=== Wordpress Statistics === Contributors: mostafa.s1990 Donate link: http://mostafa-soufi.ir/donate/ Tags: statistics, stats, visit, visitors, chart, browser, blog, today, yesterday, week, month, yearl, total, post, page, sidebar, summary, feedburner, hits, pagerank, google, alexa, live visit Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.8 Stable tag: 5.2 License: GPL2 Complete statistics for your blog. == Description == A perfect plugin for your blog visitor statistics. Track Visitor and visit statistics to your blog for today and keep up to a year of history! On screen statistics report a graphs are easily viewed through the admin interface. Lots of new features and bugfixes, please see the change log for a complete description of what's changed. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com. = Features = * User Online * Today visit/visitors * Yesterday visit/visitors * Week Visit/visitors * Month Visit/visitors * Years Visit/visitors * Total Visit/visitors * Search Engine reffered (Google, Yahoo, Bing) * Coefficient statistics for each user * Total Posts * Total Pages * Total Comments * Total Spams [Need installed akismet plugin](http://automattic.com/wordpress-plugins/) * Total Users * Last Post Date (English, Persian) * Average Posts * Average Comments * Average Users * Visitor Browser View as chart * View search words * View Recent Visitors (Country and provincial visitor) * Send scheduling statistics by email/SMS * Support functions and Widgets * The object-oriented programming * Standard functions for development * GeoIP location by Country [Thanks Greg Ross](http://profiles.wordpress.org/gregross) = Translators = * English * Persian * Portuguese [Thanks](http://www.musicalmente.info/) * Romanian [Thanks Luke Tyler](http://www.nobelcom.com/) * French Thanks Anice Gnampa. Redundancy translated by Nicolas Baudet * Russian [Thanks Igor Dubilej](http://www.iflexion.com/) * Spanish Thanks Jose * Arabic [Thanks Hammad Shammari](http://www.facebook.com/aboHatim) * Turkish [Thanks aidinMC](http://www.artadl.ir/) & [Manset27.com](http://www.manset27.com/) & [Abdullah Manaz](http://www.manaz.net/) * Italian [Thanks Tony Bellardi](http://www.tonybellardi.com/) * German [Thanks Andreas Martin](http://www.andreasmartin.com/) * Russian [Thanks Oleg](http://www.bestplugins.ru/) * Bengali [Thanks Mehdi Akram](http://www.shamokaldarpon.com/) * Serbian [Thanks Radovan Georgijevic](http://www.georgijevic.info/) * Polish Thanks Radosław Rak and Tomasz Stulka. * Indonesian [Thanks Agit Amrullah](http://www.facebook.com/agitowblinkerz/) * Hungarian [Thanks ZSIMI](http://www.zsimi.hu/) * Chinese (Taiwan) [Thanks Toine Cheung](https://twitter.com/ToineCheung) * Chinese (China) [Thanks Toine Cheung](https://twitter.com/ToineCheung) [Percentage languages ​​translation](http://teamwork.wp-parsi.com/projects/wp-statistics/) To complete the language deficits of [this section](http://teamwork.wp-parsi.com/projects/wp-statistics/) apply. = Support = * [Donate to this plugin](http://mostafa-soufi.ir/donate/) * [Plugin Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wordpress-Statistics/546922341997898?ref=stream) * [Persian Support](http://forum.wp-parsi.com/forum/17-%D9%85%D8%B4%DA%A9%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%AF%DB%8C%DA%AF%D8%B1/) == Installation == 1. Upload `wp-statistics` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Make sure the Date and Time is set correctly in Wordpress. 4. Go to the plugin settings page and configure as required (note this will also download the GeoIP database for the fist time). == Shortcode Reference == To display stats in your post, page or widget you can use the following shortcodes: WP Statitics shortcode is in the format of: `[wpstatistics stat=xxx time=xxxx provider=xxxx]` Where: stat = the statistic you want. time = is the time frame, [strtotime()](http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php) will be used to calculate it, some acceptable values include; today, yesterday, week, month, year, total and "-x" (i.e., "-10" for the past 10 days). provider = the search provider to get stats on (bing/duckduckgo/google/yahoo/yandex). * User online: `[wpstatistics stat="usersonline"]` * Today visit: `[wpstatistics stat="visits" time="today"]` * Today vistors: `[wpstatistics stat="vistors" time="today"]` * All Search Engine reffered: `[wpstatistics stat="searchs" provider="all"]` * Total posts: `[wpstatistics stat="postcount"]` * Total pages: `[wpstatistics stat="pagecount"]` * Total comments: `[wpstatistics stat="commentcount"]` * Total spams: `[wpstatistics stat="spamcount"]` * Total users: `[wpstatistics stat="usercount"]` * Average posts: `[wpstatistics stat="postaverage"]` * Average comments: `[wpstatistics stat="commentaverage"]` * Average users: `[wpstatistics stat="useraverage"]` * Last post date: `[wpstatistics stat="lpd"]` == Function Reference == To display stats in your own pages you can use the following functions: * User online: `` * Today visitor: `` * Today visit: `` * Yesterday visitor: `` * Yesterday visit: `` * Week visitor: `` * Week visit: `` * Month visitor: `` * Mount visit: `` * Years visitor: `` * Years visit: `` * Total visitor: `` * Total visit: `` * Number of visitors of 40 days to today: `` * Number of visits of 40 days to today: `` * Number of visitors 45 days ago: `` * Number of visits 45 days ago: `` * All Search Engine reffered: `` * Google Search Engine reffered: `` * Yahoo Search Engine reffered: `` * Bing Search Engine reffered: `` * Google Search Engine reffered in today: `` * Google Search Engine reffered in yesterday: `` * Google Search Engine reffered in 5 days ago: `` * Total All Search Enginee reffered `` * Total posts: `` * Total pages: `` * Total comments: `` * Total spams: `` * Total users: `` * Last post date: `` * Average posts: `` * Average comments: `` * Average users: `` == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to update to version 3.0? = Get Plugin updates via Automatic only. = If the plug does not work? = Disable / Enable the plugin. = All visitors are being set to unknown for their location? = Make sure you've downloaded the GeoIP database and the GeoIP code is enabled. Also, if your running an internal test site with non-routable IP addresses (like 192.168.x.x or 172.28.x.x or 10.x.x.x), these addresses will come up as unknown always. = I was using V3.2 and now that I've upgraded my visitors and visits have gone way down? = The webcrawler detection code has be Fixes and will now exclude them from your stats, don't worry, it now reflects a more accurate view of actual visitors to your site. == Screenshots == 1. View stats page. 2. View latest search words. 3. View recent visitors page. 4. View top referrer site page. 5. Optimization page. 6. Settings page. 7. Widget page. 8. View Top Browsers page. 9. View latest Hits Statistics page 10. View latest search engine referrers Statistics page. == Upgrade Notice == = 4.8 = * BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! * This update includes a new database table, you should not lose any data to make sure to backup your database just in case. = 4.5 = * As of V4.3, the robots list is now stored in the database and is user configurable. Because of this updates to the default robots list will not automatically be added during upgrades. You can either go to "Statistics->Settings->IP/Robot Exclusions", "Reset to Default" and then save or manually make the changes which can be found in the change log details. = 4.0 = * BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! * IF YOU ARE NOT RUNNING V3.2 ALL OF YOUR DATA WILL BE LOST IF YOU UPGRADE TO V4.0 or above! * GeoIP is enabled by default but you must download the GeoIP database before any Countries will be detected correctly. Go to the settings page and it will download automatically, if it does not or it fails, simply go to the bottom of the page and re-download it. * The new browser detection code uses "MSIE" instead of "IE", your database will be updated automatically during install to reflect this. * As the webcrawler code is now working, you'll probably see a significant change in the "Unknown" browser category and the number of hits your site gets. == Changelog == = 5.2 = * Added: Additional checks for BC Math and cURL which are required for the GeoIP code. * Updated: GeoIP database handling if it is missing or invalid. * Updated: GeoIP database is now stored in uploads/wp-statistics directory so it does not get overwritten during upgrades. * Fixed: Typo's in the shortcode codes (thanks g33kg0dd3ss). * Updated: Polish (pl_PL) language. = 5.1 = * Fixes: Small bug in referral url. * Fixes: Problem export table. * Updated: Arabic (ar) language. = 5.0 = * Added: Show last visitor in Google Map. * Added: Search visitor by IP in log pages. * Added: Total line to charts with multiple values, like the search engine referrals. * Added: Shortcodes. [By Greg Ross](http://profiles.wordpress.org/gregross) * Added: Dashicons to log pages. * Fixes: Small bugs. * Fixes: More debug warnings. * Fixes: User access function level code always returned manage_options no matter what it was actaully set to. * Updated: Hungarian (hu_HU) language. * Updated: Turkish (tr_TR) language. * Removed: Parameter from `wp_statistics_lastpostdate()` function and return date type became dynamic. = 4.8.1 = * Fixes: Small bug in the `Current_Date`. * Fixes: Small bug in the `exclusions.php` file. * Updated: Polish (pl_PL) language. = 4.8 = * Added: Converting Gregorian date to Persian When enabled [wp-parsidate](http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-parsidate/) plugin. * Added: New feature, option to record the number and type of excluded hits to your site. * Added: New exclusion types for login and admin pages. * Fixes: GeoIP populate code now REALLY functions again. * Updated: Arabic (ar) language. * Updated: Polish (pl_PL) language. = 4.7 = * Added: Responsive Stats page for smaller-screen devices. * Added: Dashicons icon for plugin page. * Added: Tabs option in setting page. * Added: Tabs category in optimization page. * Fixes: More debug warnings. * Fixes: GeoIP populate code now functions again. * Updated: Some optimization of the statistics code. * Updated: Search Words now reports results only for referrers with actual search queries. * Updated: Highcharts JS v3.0.7 to JS v3.0.9. * Updated: Brazil (pt_BR) language. = 4.6.1 = * Fixes: a Small bug in to get rid of one of the reported warnings from debug mode. = 4.6 = * Added: In the optimization page you can now empty all tables at once. * Added: In the optimization page you can now purge statistics over a given number of days old. * Added: Daily scheduled job to purge statistics over a given number of days old. * Fixes: Bug in the robots code that on new installs failed to populate the defaults in the database. * Fixes: All known warning messages when running in WordPress debug mode. * Fixes: Incorrect description of co-efficient value in the setting page. * Fixes: Top level links on the various stats pages now update highlight the current page in the admin menu instead of the overview page. * Fixes: Install code now only executes on a true new installation instead of on each activation. * Fixes: Bug in hits code when GeoIP was disabled, IP address would not be recorded. = 4.5 = * Added: Support for more search engines: DuckDuckGo, Baidu and Yandex. * Added: Support for Google local sites like google.ca, google.fr, etc. * Added: Anchor links in the optimization and settings page to the main sections. * Added: Icon for Opera Next. * Updated: Added new bot match strings: 'archive.org_bot', 'meanpathbot', 'moreover', 'spbot'. * Updated: Replaced bot match string 'ezooms.bot' with 'ezooms'. * Updated: Overview summary statistics layout. * Fixes: Bug in widget code that didn't allow you to edit the settings after adding the widget to your site. = 4.4 = * Added: option to set the required capability level to view statistics in the admin interface. * Added: option to set the required capability level to manage statistics in the admin interface. * Fixes: 'See More' links on the overview page now update highlight the current page in the admin menu instead of the overview page. * Added: Schedule downloads of the GeoIP database. * Added: Auto populate missing GeoIP information after a download of the GeoIP database. * Fixes: Unschedule of report event if reporting is disabled. = 4.3.1 = * Fixes: Critical bug that caused only a single visitor to be recorded. * Added: Version information to the optimization page. [Thanks Greg Ross](http://profiles.wordpress.org/gregross) = 4.3 = * Added: Definable robots list to exclude based upon the user agent string from the client. * Added: IP address and subnet exclusion support. * Added: Client IP and user agent information to the optimization page. * Added: Support to exclude users from data collection based on their WordPress role. * Fixes: A bug when the GeoIP code was disabled with optimization page. = 4.2 = * Added: Statistical menus. * Fixes: Small bug in the geoip version. * Language: Serbian (sr_RS) was updated. * Language: German (de_DE) was updated. * Language: French (fr_FR) was updated. = 4.1 = * Language: Arabic (ar) was updated * Fixes: small bug in moved the GeoIP database. * Updated: update to the spiders list. = 4.0 = * Added: GeoIP location support for visitors country. * Added: Download option in settings for GeoIP database. * Added: Populate location entries with unknown or missing location information to the optimization page. * Added: Detect self referrals and disregard them like webcrawlers. * Added: "All Browsers" and "Top Countries" pages. * Added: "more" page to hit statistics chart, support for charts from 10 days to 1 year. * Added: "more" page to search engine statistics chart, support for charts from 10 days to 1 year. * Added: Option to store complete user agent string for debugging purposes. * Added: Option to delete specific browser or platform types from the database in the optimization page. * Updated: Browser detection now supports more browsers and includes platform and version information. * Updated: List of webcrawlers to catch more bots. * Updated: Statistics reporting options in settings no longer needs a page reload to hide/show the settings. * Updated: Summary Statistcs now uses the WordPress set format for the time and date. * Fixes: Webcrawler detection now works and is case insensitive. * Fixes: Install code now correctly sets defaults. * Fixes: Upgrade code now works correctly. If you are running V3.2, your old data will be preserved, older versions will delete the tables and recreate them. * Fixes: Ajax submissions on the optmiziation page (like the empty table function) should work in IE and other browsers that are sensitive to cross site attacks. * Fixes: Replaced call to the dashboard code (to support the postbox widgets on the log screen) with the proper call to the postbox code as WordPress 3.8 beta 1 did not work with the old code. * Updated: Highcharts JS 3.0.1 to JS 3.0.7 version. = 3.2 = * Added: Optimization plugin page. * Added: Export data to excel, xml, csv and tsv files. * Added: Delete table data. * Added: Show memory usage in optimization page. * Language: Polish (pl_PL) was updated. * Language: updated. = 3.1.4 = * Added: Chart Type in the settings plugin. * Added: Search Engine referrer chart in the view stats page. * Added: Search Engine stats in Summary Statistics. * Optimized: 'wp_statistics_searchengine()' and add second parameter in the function. * Language: Chinese (China) was added. * Language: Russian was updated. * Language: updated. = 3.1.3 = * Optimized: View statistics. * Added: Chinese (Taiwan) language. = 3.1.2 = * Added: Top referring sites with full details. * Resolved: Loads the plugin's translated strings problem. * Resolved: View the main site in top referring sites. * Resolved: Empty referrer. * Resolved: Empty search words. * Update: Highcharts js 2.3.5 to v3.0.1. * Language: Arabic was updated. * Language: Hungarian was updated. * Language: updated. = 3.1.1 = * Bug Fix: Security problem. (Thanks Mohammad Teimori) for report bug. * Optimized: Statistics screen in resolution 1024x768. * Language: Persian was updated. = 3.1.0 = * Bug Fix: Statistics Menu bar. * Bug Fix: Referral link of the last visitors. * Added: Latest all search words with full details. * Added: Recent all visitors with full details. * Optimized: View statistics. * Language: updated. * Language: Arabic was updated. * Remove: IP Information in setting page. = 3.0.2 = * Added: Hungarian language. * Added: Insert value in useronline table by Primary_Values function. * Added: Opera browser in get_UserAgent function. * Added: prefix wps_ in options. * Added: Notices to enable or disable the plugin. * Changed: Statistics class to WP_Statistics because Resemblance name. = 3.0.1 = * Bug Fix: Table plugin problem. = 3.0 = * Bug Fix: problem in calculating Statistics. * Optimized: and speed up the process. * Optimized: Overall reconstruction and coding plug with a new structure. * Optimized: The use of object-oriented programming. * Added: statistics screen to complete. * Added: Chart Show. * Added: Graph of Browsers. * Added: Latest search words. * Added: Specification (Country and county) Visitors. * Added: Top referring sites. * Added: Send stats to Email/[SMS](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-sms/) = 2.3.3 = * Serbian language was solved. * Server variables were optimized by m.emami. * Turkish translation was complete. = 2.3.2 = * Added Indonesia language. * Turkish language file corrected by MBOZ. = 2.3.1 = * Added Polish language. * Added Support forum link in menu. * Fix problem error in delete plugin. = 2.3.0 = * Added Serbian language. = 2.2.9 = * Added Bengali language. = 2.2.8 = * Added Russian language. * Fix problem in count views. * Added more filter for check spider. * Optimize plugin. = 2.2.7 = * Fix problem in widget class. * Redundancy in Arabic translation. * Fix problem in [countposts] shortcode. * Optimized Style Reports. = 2.2.6 = * Fix a small problem. = 2.2.5 = * The security problem was solved. Please be sure to update! * Redundancy in French translation. * Add CSS Class for the containing widget. (Thanks Luai Mohammed). * Add daily or total search engines in setting page. * Using wordpress jQuery in setting page. = 2.2.4 = * Added Turkish language. * Added Italian language. * Added German language. * Arabic language was solved. * Romanian language was solved. * The words in setting page were complete. (Thanks Will Abbott) default.po file is Updated. * The change of time from minutes to seconds to check users online. * Ignoring search engine crawler. * Added features premium version to free version. * Added user online live. * Added total visit live. * Added Increased to visit. * Added Reduced to visit. * Added Coefficient statistics for each user. = 2.2.3 = * Optimized Counting. * Added Arabic language. * Draging problem was solved in Widgets * css problem was solved in sidebar = 2.2.2 = * Solving show functions in setting page. * Solving month visit in widget. * Added Spanish language. = 2.2.1 = * Solving drap uploader problem in media-new.php. = 2.2.0 = * Added statistics to admin bar wordpress 3.3. * Added Uninstall for remove data and table from database. * Added all statistics item in widget and Their choice. * Optimize show function code in setting page. * Calling jQuery in wordpress admin for plugin. * Remove the word "disabled" in the statistics When the plugin was disabled. * Solving scroll problem in statistics page. = 2.1.6 = * Added Russian language. = 2.1.5 = * Added French language. * Rounds a float Averages. = 2.1.4 = * Added Romanian language. = 2.1.3 = * Active plugin in setting page was solved. = 2.1.2 = * Added default language file. * Added Portuguese language. = 2.1.1 = * Complete files = 2.1 = * Edit string = 2.0 = * Support from Database * Added Setting Page * Added decimals number * Added Online user check time * Added Database check time * Added User Online * Added Today Visit * Added Yesterday Visit * Added Week Visit * Added Month Visit * Added Years Visit * Added Search Engine reffered * Added Average Posts * Added Average Comments * Added Average Users * Added Google Pagerank * Added Alexa Pagerank * Added wordpress shortcode = 1.0 = * Start plugin