=== StatCounter - Free Real Time Visitor Stats === Contributors: Aodhan Cullen Donate link: http://statcounter.com/ Tags: web, statistics, stats, hit, counter, visitor, ip, tracker, analytics Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 3.6 Stable tag: 1.6.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html StatCounter.com powered real-time detailed stats about the visitors to your blog. == Description == The Official StatCounter Wordpress Plugin brings you all the powerful StatCounter features to your wordpress blog. Including but not limited to the following: * [Invisible Counter Option](http://statcounter.com/features/#invisible-counter) * [Configurable Counter](http://statcounter.com/features/#configurable-counter) * [Configurable Summary Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#configurable-summary-stats) * [Magnify User](http://statcounter.com/features/#magnify-user) * [Drill Down](http://statcounter.com/features/#drill-down) * [Popular Pages](http://statcounter.com/features/#popular-pages) * [Entry Pages](http://statcounter.com/features/#entry-pages) * [Exit Pages](http://statcounter.com/features/#exit-pages) * [Came From](http://statcounter.com/features/#came-from) * [Keyword Analysis](http://statcounter.com/features/#keyword-analysis) * [Recent Keyword Activity](http://statcounter.com/features/#recent-keyword-activity) * [Search Engine Wars](http://statcounter.com/features/#search-engine-wars) * [Visitor Paths](http://statcounter.com/features/#visitor-paths) * [Visit Length](http://statcounter.com/features/#visit-length) * [Returning Visits](http://statcounter.com/features/#returning-visits) * [Recent Pageload Activity](http://statcounter.com/features/#recent-pageload-activity) * [Recent Visitor Activity](http://statcounter.com/features/#recent-visitor-activity) * [Country/State/City Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#country-state-city-stats) * [Recent Visitor Google Map](http://statcounter.com/features/#visitor-map) * [ISP Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#isp-stats) * [Browser Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#browser-stats) * [O.S. Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#os-stats) * [Resolution Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#resolution-stats) * [JavaScript Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#javascript-stats) * [Email Reports](http://statcounter.com/features/#email-reports) * [Multiple Site Management](http://statcounter.com/features/#multiple-site-management) * [User Access Management](http://statcounter.com/features/#user-access-management) * [Public Stats](http://statcounter.com/features/#public-stats) * [Blocking Cookie](http://statcounter.com/features/#blocking-cookie) == Installation == StatCounter is a free web traffic analysis service, which provides summary stats on all your traffic and a detailed analysis of your last 500 page views. This limit can be increased by subscribing to their paid service. To activate the StatCounter service for your WordPress site: * [Sign Up](http://statcounter.com/sign-up/) with StatCounter or [add a new project](http://statcounter.com/add-project/) to your existing account * The installation process will detect your WordPress installation and provide you with your Project ID and Security Code * The installation instructions are also available at [http://statcounter.com/wordpress.org/](http://statcounter.com/wordpress.org/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Do you have any questions? = [Please contact us here with your query.](http://statcounter.com/about/contact/) == Screenshots == 1. Example StatCounter.com Summary Stats 2. Using the magnify tool, you can "zoom in" on individual visitors and get a detailed report on where they are from, their system settings, and most importantly, what link reffered them to your site and their navigation path through your site. == Changelog == = 1.6.3 = * Bug fix to prevent user entry of whitespace characters for Project ID and Security Code = 1.6.2 = * Bug fix for Upgrade with PayPal link. = 1.6.1 = * Correct incorrect spelling of 'invisibility' = 1.6 = * Removed the 'Logging Enabled/Disabled' option (you can deactivate the plugin instead). Updated installation instructions. = 1.5 = * Removed option to set partition - no longer required. = 1.4 = * Added noscript to StatCounter code - allowing non-javascript enabled visitors to be tracked. = 1.3 = * Added counter position option. Allows you to specify the position of the counter in the header or footer. * Added 'forced invisibility' option. Allows you to enable an invisible counter without logging into your StatCounter account. = 1.2 = * Fixed critical bug. = 1.1 = * Added ability to view StatCounter Stats from within the Wordpress Admin. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.6.5 = Modified url used for dashboard to not include project id when it has not been set. = 1.6.4 = Improved UI to give error message in dashboard when no project id has been set = 1.6.3 = Bug fix to prevent user entry of whitespace characters for Project ID and Security Code = 1.6.2 = Upgrade to allow for fully functioning PayPal upgrade options.